Neurosurgery - Spinal Trauma

by Dr. Richard Fox

Spinal cord injuries can have detrimental impacts on patients as well as their families. Patients with spinal trauma must therefore be assessed in a systematic approach with an initial focus on immobilization and maintenance of the airway in order to prevent further injury.


At the conclusion of this activity, participants will be able to list and interpret clinical findings in the patient presenting with spinal trauma. Participants will acquire knowledge in the initial steps of assessment for a patient with spinal trauma including spinal immobilization and ATLS protocols. Furthermore, the learner will be able to carry out a focused history and physical examination (specifically the neurological exam) for the patient presenting with spinal trauma. Participants will be able to list relevant investigations to order, including imaging, to confirm the diagnosis. Finally, the learner will be able to formulate a management plan for the patient presenting with spinal trauma, including referral to a spinal surgeon.