Contact Us

Whether you're having trouble accessing a module or have any questions, we're here to help.

Please also use this page if you are:

  • A medical educator interested in contributing to MEDSKL.
  • A student looking to apply to become a volunteer (here is more info about becoming an Ambassador). In the comment box, please write: Level of training, school your represent, why you would you be a good candidate for this role, and some of the creative ideas you have for MEDSKL in 200 words or less.
  • Applying to become a Resident Section Editor. Tell us which residency you are completing, relevant teaching experience, and ideas that you will bring to the team to innovate medical education.
  • Support:
  • Mailing:
    5-497 Cataraqui Woods Drive
    Kingston, ON, K7P 0V3

We will get back to you within 1 business day.