Hypocalcemia (low serum calcium levels) can be subclinical and present as an incidental finding on routine blood screen or it can present with cardiac arrhythmias. Calcium level is tightly maintained by certain hormones and factors. Dysfunction at any level of control can lead to low calcium levels.
In this module, Dr. Loree Boyle outlines the approach to a patient who may have hypocalcemia. You will learn the basics of calcium homeostasis and the reasons serum calcium levels can decrease when a dysfunction occurs. Important questions to ask in a history including onset, timing and associated symptoms, if any, are discussed. With presentations that range from incidental lab finding, to overt cardiac disease, a systematic approach is essential in the work up of these patients. Investigative modalities are directed by clinical impression. Management is two-fold, aimed at managing symptoms and treating the cause of low serum calcium.